IWD2023: Single Mother and Positive Parenting (Virtual Event)

VIDEO: Single Mother and Positive Parenting (An IWD2023 Event)

Single mothers and their vulnerable children are not just stigmatised but are often seen as a problem to the society as many of them are linked to crimes,drug Abuse and other social vices.

The Memunat Single Mother and Child Initiative is out to stop the stigmatisation, give psycho-social support and necessary capacity training that will improve the lives of single mothers and their children. In order to contribute to balanced development of the mother and child and to commemorate the 2023 International Women’s Day (IWD2023) whose theme is campaign theme is #EmbraceEquity, TMSMCI is organising a zoom meeting for stakeholders to discuss Single Mother and Positive Parenting.

Details of the event are as follows:

Papers to be presented are:

  1. Positive Parenting, by Memunat Idu-Lah, Founder/CEO TMSMCI.
  2. Controlling the Single Mother’s Emotions In Order To Raise Emotionally Balanced Children, by Oby Chuke.
Memunat Ladi Idu-Lah
Oby Chuke

See event video on Youtube. Don’f forget to Like the video and subscribe to our Youtube Channel.